Java in a Nutshell

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The java.text Package

29.12 java.text.Format (JDK 1.1)

This abstract class is the base class for all number, date, and string formatting classes in the java.text package. It defines two abstract methods that are implemented by subclasses. format() converts an object to a string using the formatting rules encapsulated by the Format subclass and optionally appends the resulting string to an existing StringBuffer. parseObject() performs the reverse operation--it parses a formatted string and returns the corresponding object. Status information for these two operations is returned in FieldPosition and ParsePosition objects. The non-abstract methods of this class are simple shortcuts that rely on implementations of the abstract methods.

See ChoiceFormat, DateFormat, MessageFormat, and NumberFormat.

public abstract class Format extends Object implements Serializable, Cloneable {
    // Default Constructor: public Format()
    // Public Instance Methods
            public Object clone();  // Overrides Object
            public final String format(Object obj);
            public abstract StringBuffer format(Object obj, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos);
            public abstract Object parseObject(String source, ParsePosition status);
            public Object parseObject(String source<