Lexmark MarkNet XLe Adapter 4033 and Internal NetWorkCards

Lexmark MarkNet XLe Adapter 4033 and Internal NetWorkCards


About This Document

The information in this document applies to AIX Versions 3.2 through 4.x.


The MarkNet adapter  is the network print server from Lexmark.  This adapter has origins in the IBM 4033 network print server, but contains many enhancements.   The MarkNet protocol is supported in both internal cards that fit in Lexmark printers, and in external boxes which can be utilized with any parallel printer.  The current models support three basic print conventions.
  1. Lexmark protocol that writes to MAC address
  2. LPD protocol that writes to a TCP/IP address
  3. Lexmark adapters accept print requests to a socket (this allows them to be used with HP JetDirect backends)
In addition to the software for printing using these adapters, Lexmark also provides print management software that can be used to determine paper and other print status.  This software is called MarkVision and is available from Lexmark.

Problems and Differences With Older Adapters

Older 4033 adapters do not support the lpd protocol. New adapters can have more than one host attached at once, but older adapters cannot. The MarkNet software supports all Lexmark adapters and cards.

Differences in models:

Hardware Setup

Hardware setup is described in detail in the MarkNet XLe Setup and Service manual (SA40-0821-01). Basically, the adapter is attached to the network and to one or two printers. If the network is active two solid lights will show at this time. These are the power and status lights. Check the printer setup by pushing the TEST button until the Test light comes on. This will print the protocol and configuration information to the attached printer.

Setting Up Queues with MarkNet Software

Virtual printers can be set up using the Lexmark MarkNet utilities that come with the adapter or that are available over the Internet from Lexmark. Problems with connecting this adapter are supported by Lexmark, and the AIX Systems Center will only support the setup of the adapters in local installations and using the normal AIX protocols. Also see the MarkVision documentation  for more detailed network printer control.

The MarkNet software adds new SMIT menu functions when installed on AIX.  In AIX 4, this is done though a LexLink.attach file in /usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc.  At AIX 3, the file used ends in .config.

Installing the MarkNet Utilities

Note:  Before installing make sure you have installed bos.dlc.com (DLC).  DLC must be installed for the appropriate adapter.

Install the MarkNet Utilities by placing the Utilities diskette in the diskette drive and entering:

This should remove any old utilities and install the utilities in in /usr/lpp/lap. Print and/or read /usr/lpp/lap/README.DOC.

These new adapters install a new series of SMIT screens for managing MarkNet and IBM 4033 adapters.

In AIX 4, you will see the new option when you add a queue with smitty mkpq.

In AIX 3.2 when using the command mkvirprt you will now find: (# is next number in sequence)

Adding a MarkNet Attached Printer at AIX 4

In AIX 4, MarkNet attached printers should be added with SMIT.  The ASCII version or "smitty" will usually work faster.

The steps are:

  1. Use the SMIT fastpath:  smitty mkpq
  2. Choose: LexLink         Printer LAN attached to IBM 4033 or MarkNet Adapter
  3. Choose your network type.  This will be like ent0 or tok0.
  4. The install program will do a network search for MarkNet adapters.  Choose the adapter from the table. For example:
  5.   x   #  Address      Port   Num   Status           Description              x
      x   0020001A5B00   internal 0  Available   0020001A5B00             Std    x
      x   10005ABE5AC5   serial   0  Available   Airborne Label Printer   4033   x
      x   10005ABE5AC5   parallel 1  Available   Airborne Label Printer   4033   x
      x   10005ABF010D   serial   0  Available   10005abf010d             4033   x
      x   10005ABF010D   parallel 1  Associated  10005abf010d             4033   x
      x   10005ABF17FC   serial   0  Available   PS291480 - 1480 Sec Bay  4033   x
      x   10005ABF17FC   parallel 1  Associated  PS291480 - 1480 Sec Bay  4033   x
      x   10005ABF46F2   serial   0  Associated  10005abf46f2             4033   x
      x   10005ABF46F2   parallel 1  Associated  10005abf46f2             4033   x
      x [MORE...25]                                                              x

  6. Choose printer manufacturer and model.  For example, choose from the list of Lexmark printers if an internal adapter was chosen:
  7.   x                               Printer Type                               x
      x                                                                          x
      x Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.                             x
      x                                                                          x
      x   lex4039+    Lexmark LaserPrinter Plus                                  x
      x   lex4047     Lexmark ValueWriter 600                                    x
      x   lex4049     Lexmark Optra laser printer                                x
      x   lex4076-2c  Lexmark ExecJet IIc                                        x
      x   lex4079+    Lexmark Color Jetprinter Plus                              x
      x   lexOptra+   Lexmark Optra Plus laser printer                           x
      x   lexOptraC   Lexmark Optra C color laser printer                        x
      x   lexOptraE   Lexmark Optra E laser printer                              x
      x   lexOptraN   Lexmark Optra N laser printer                              x

  8. Fill out the information on the form page.  Key items are the printer language (PostScript or ASCII), the network adapter address (get this from the printer testpage), the queue name, and whether the adapter will be used in a shared mode with other print clients.
  9. * Data Stream                                      Use F4 to select         +
      NAME of Queue Device                               [i0@tok0-0020001A5B00]
    * NAME of Queue to Add                               [Enter queue name]
      Log File                                           []                        /
      User Id for Intervention Messages                  []
      Queuing DISCIPLINE                                  First Come First Serve  +
      Print HEADER Pages                                  Never                   +
      Print TRAILER Pages                                 Never                   +
      Network Type                                        tok0
      Network Address                                     0020001A5B00
      Adapter Type                                        Std
      Force 4033 Association                              No                      +
      Adapter Port                                        0
      Adapter Port Type                                   internal
      Printer Type                                        lexOptraE
      Singlehost / Multihost                              M

    Repeat for each Data Stream type or special virtual printer queue

    Some options to take special note of are:

    Adapter Microcode

    Other utilites allow the user to upload microcode to the adapter and look at detailed adapter information.

Adding a MarkNet Attached Printer at  AIX 3.2

The steps are:
  1. smit spooler - or - smitty mklanprt
  2. Choose: LexLink LAN Attached Printers (MarkNet and IBM 4033 Adapters)
  3. The new items on this menu are:
  4. Select: Add a Virtual Printer (MarkNet or IBM 4033 Attached)
  5. Select: Network Type - tok0 or ent0.
  6. Choose: Adapter Port - Note that both ports on adapter will be listed.
  7. Select: Printer / Plotter Type
  8. Hit enter to create the queue.
  9. The selection screen is somewhat different from old screens and looks like this:

                  Network Printer Configuration
    Type or select values in entry fields.
    Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
                                                    [Entry Fields]
    * Data Stream                                 pcl
    * NAME of Queue to Add                       [mnet]
      Log File                                   [/var/spool/lpd/mnet.log]
      User Id for Intervention Messages          [root]
      Queuing DISCIPLINE                          First Come First Serve
      Print HEADER Pages                          Never
      Print TRAILER Pages                         Never
      Network Type                                tok0
      Network Address                             0020000347B1
      Adapter Type                                XLe
      Force 4033 Association                      No
      Adapter Port                                1
      Adapter Port Type                           parallel
      Printer Type                                hplj-3
      Singlehost / Multihost                      M

    Some options to take special note of are:

    Adapter Microcode

    Other utilites allow the user to upload microcode to the adapter and look at detailed adapter information.

    Verifying Queue Installation

    Setting Up Remote Queues to MarkNet LPD


    Describe how to set up printing from AIX  to the Lexmark MarkNet XLe Adapter.


    The MarkNet Adapter can be attached to AIX using the TCP/IP protocol. Since this is an external adapter, the TCP/IP internet address must be assigned using the bootbd utility in AIX. Once this is done, the printer can be printed to using standard lpr/lpd protocol (set up as a remote printer).


    Attaching the MarkNet adapter as a remote queue as described here has a drawback: if the adapter is busy when AIX goes to print, very often the queue will go down.  This problem does not occur when added with the LexLink protocol or even when added as an HP JetDirect device.


    You must install this as root user.

    STEP 1: Install Hardware

    STEP 2: Set Up Bootp Download of the IP Address

    If this is an integrated network adapter, set the IP address from the front panel. If the Box already has a TCP/IP address, you can telnet to the box to make adjustments to the network parameters.

    1. Add the name and IP address to be assigned to the marknet box to the /etc/hosts file. This example uses:
    2. Add a line to the /etc/bootptab file to enable bootp setup for this device. For example:
    3. Make sure the inetd is running the tftpd and bootpd. This can be done by looking at the /etc/inetd.conf file and making sure that the '#' character is not in the front of the line for either of these services. Once this character is removed, run inetimp and refresh -s inetd to make the services active.
    4. Turn off and on the MarkNet box.
    5. Push the TEST button on the MarkNet box until the test light comes on. This will now print out the information which should now contain the assigned ip address.
    6. Ping the MarkNet box. You should also be able to ping the address at this time. If you cannot ping the address and it does not show up on the test page, proceed to the debug section at the end of this document.

    STEP 3: Set up the remote print queue

    The MarkNet supports an LPD protocol, but it is not as full function as a UNIX system might be. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you set up your printers using the Lexmark MarkNet protocol. However, if you must use lpd/lpr protocol, simply set up as an AIX remote print queue. There is some chance of problems with large jobs.

    The following special queue names are defined on the MarkNet XLe for lpr/lpd printing.

    Adding a Remote Queue at AIX 3.2.5

    Provides no local formatting.
    1. smitty spooler
    2. Choose: Manage Remote Printer Subsystem
    3. Choose: Client Services
    4. Choose: Remote Printer Queues
    5. Choose: Add a Remote Queue
    6. Fill in the following:
    7. Hit enter or Do to add the queue.

    Adding a Remote Queue at AIX 4

    1. smitty mkpq
    2. Choose: remote Printer Attached to Remote Host
    3. Choose: Local filtering before sending to print server
    4. Choose: Printer manuf.
    5. Choose: Printer model
    6. Enter the following items:
    7. Hit enter or Do to add the queue.
    This adapter ignores control files sent to it. Therefore, options contained in the control file do not work such as banner page, indentation, mail response, pitch, and so on do not work. Use the virtual printer method to add these.

    There is limited setup protocol available by telnetting to port 9000 and following instructions on the MarkNet XLe.

Printing With TFTP

You can use TFTP to send a job to the printer as if sending it to another host. This is slower than FTP and not generally supported in the AIX queueing and spooling system. MarkNet XLe adapters recognize these destinations: From tftp send a file like:

Debugging bootpd Setup

  1. Insert a # in the bootpd line in /etc/inetd.conf
  2. run inetimp
  3. refresh -s inetd.
  4. ps -ef | grep boot. See if bootpd is still running.

  5. If it is kill it with 'kill -9 pid#'.
  6. Now start bootpd in debug mode.

  7. bootpd -d -d -d -d -s &
    This will show the boot requests as they come to the server. Look for the wrong hardware address, or packets that are not being returned. Also look for the wrong ip address for the gateway, or a bad subnet mask.
Example output from good boot:

Some Hints, Tips, and FAQs

  1. With the 4033, the MAC address is associated with a machine. If the 4033 queue is added from another system, the address becomes associated with the new machine, but dissociated with the original machine. The 4033 can only be associated with one host at a time. The original host can regain the association in two ways:
  2. Creating a trace file.
  3. If system dies while running, you may need to remove a lock from

Lexmark MarkNet Utility Programs

The most recent information on the MarkNet Utilities is in /usr/lpp/lap/README.DOC

The programs that are associated with the MarkNet software are:

Lexmark Programs

Program Description
catlpabe Program that actually sends data to the MarkNet adapter
catlpabe3 Program that actually sends data to the MarkNet XLe adapter
chlanprt Either calls splpa3 or acts as SMIT fastpath
lslanprt Lists network adapters and their status
lpabe AIX Printer Backend, calls piobe & catlpabe
mklanprt Program to create new connections
rmlandev Program to remove existing connections
rmlanprt Program to remove existing queues
splpa, (splpa3) configures network adapters (XLe)
updlanprt, (updlanprt3) Program to update adapter firmware (XLe)
The man pages for most of these programs are found in /usr/lpp/lap/man. To print a man page use the command:

    psroff -man  /usr/lpp/lap/man/*.man

Optional lpabe Flags

When you add a queue, the mklanprt program adds the mandatory flags as described in the readme file. However there are other flags that can be added for diagnostic or other reasons. These flags are:
Flag Description Example
-l <full_path> Log queue activity -l /var/spool/log/print1.log
-D Enable creation of trace file -D
-M <message_id> Id of user to get intervention messages
From catlpabe usually sent to console
-M hotstuff@sizzle
-U <SAP number> User Defined SAP number, See readme -U 36
-w # Seconds to wait for continue -w 20
-W # Minutes to wait for flush -W 1
-b <custom backend> Add a custom formatter to replace piobe -b /usr/local/bin/myformat

Where to Get Software and Support

Network Communications Method

Note: DLC (bos.dlc.com) must be installed for the appropriate adapter.

All modules in this subsystem use the AIX version 3 data link control interface to communicate with the selected network adapter. The dlc interface, also known as logical link control (llc), is an IEEE 802.2 compliant network communications interface which provides a standard medium for communications to either the IEEE 802.5 Token-Ring network driver or the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet network driver. This method allows LexLink to co-exist with other network communications software, such as TCP/IP, SNA, X25, NETBIOS and Novell NETWARE. However, there may be communications packages that cannot co-exist with the AIX dlc interface.

The AIX dlc interface manages the network using SAP 0. If you experience problems using these utilities with other network communications software, make sure that the software is not trying to manage the network using SAP 0 as well. Only one software package can manage the network using SAP 0.

To see if dlc is installed on your system try:

  lslpp -l | grep dlc
  lslpp -h bos.dlc.*
The response should be (or similar to):
  bos.dlc.8023       COMMITTED  IEEE Ethernet (802.3) Data
  bos.dlc.com        COMMITTED  Common Data Link Control files
  bos.dlc.com_enet   COMMITTED  Common Ethernet Data Link
  bos.dlc.ether      COMMITTED  Standard Ethernet Data Link
  bos.dlc.fddi       COMMITTED  FDDI Data Link Control
  bos.dlc.qllc       COMMITTED  X.25 QLLC Data Link Control
  bos.dlc.sdlc       COMMITTED  SDLC Data Link Control
  bos.dlc.token      COMMITTED  Token-Ring Data Link Control
If the message "Error opening device manager" is received, make sure that the network specified with the -T flag is available. Use the lsdev -C -l <network> command to verify that the network is available. Typical network names are tok0 for Token-Ring and ent0 for Ethernet.

NOTE: If network type is not specified with lslanprt or splpa, the default is tok0. catlpabe does not have a default.

The Network Printer Utilities use network Service Access Points (SAP) to access the network. Each command is a stand-alone utility. Since no daemon is used as a common access point to the network, two or more modules may try to use the same SAP. Usually this is not a problem. If a SAP is in use, the utility will simply select a different one. However, this will cause an entry in the AIX error log which should be ignored.

You can assign unique SAP numbers to each queue device by editing the /etc/qconfig file to add the -U flag to the backend= statement. See documentation above on lpabe for more information on flags. SAP numbers should be in the range of 32 to 216 and should be divisible by 4. If the number specified is invalid or cannot be used, catlpabe selects a different number and no error message is issued.

NOTE: AIX Version 3 allows up to 32 SAPS to be opened at the same time. Occasionally, when several commands or print jobs are running, one of the commands may report an error opening a SAP. Should this occur, wait a few seconds and retry the command.

If the error log contains communications interface failure errors such as the following:

Increase the number of buffers in the DLC receive queue (the default is 32) as follows:

Queue Status

Following is a summary of the print queue status messages displayed by lpstat or enq along with their meaning (in print job order):
Status Description
NEW The job has been submitted but has not yet been recognized by the printer backend subsystem.
INITING The utility is setting up the lockfile. If this status is displayed for more than a second, then a lockfile problem exists, such as more than one device name being used for the same printer. 
CONNECT The utility is establishing communications with the network. This should take less than a second.
DEV_WAIT The utility is locating the network printer and, if necessary, waiting for the printer to complete a print job from another host. This status is also displayed whenever the printer requires intervention such as paper out, paper jam, toner low, off line, and so on.
RUNNING The print job is being transferred to the printer.
DOWN The previous print job could not be completed due to an error. See the messages provided by the printer backend for details.
DEV_BUSY The queue or queue device may not be properly configured. Insure the file listed in /etc/qconfig for the affected queue / device exists. This status will also be displayed if two queues are configured for the same queue device and both try to print at the same time.
UNKNOWN The queue or queue device has been added but not yet recognized by the qdaemon.

Other README Files

There are four other README files for this package that provide additional information. They are located in:
Directory Readme File Description
/usr/lpp/lap/dev/  describes the contents of the dev directory.
/usr/lpp/lap/logs/  describes the contents of the logs directory.
/usr/lpp/lap/locks/  describes the contents of the locks directory.
/usr/lpp/lap/traces/  describes the contents of the traces directory.

[ Doc Ref: 92031899117586     Publish Date: Mar. 28, 2000]