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Commands Reference: D

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date Displays or sets the date or time.
dbx Provides an environment to debug and run programs under the AIX system.
dc Provides an interactive desk calculator for doing arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic.
dd Converts and copies a file.
defaultbrowser Launches the default web browser and optionally loads a specified URL.
defif Defines a network interface in the configuration database.
definet Defines an inet instance in the system configuration database.
defragfs Increases a file system's contiguous free space.
del Deletes files if the request is confirmed.
delete Removes (unlinks) files or directories.
deleteX11input Deletes an X11 input extension record from the ODM database.
delta Creates a delta in a SCCS file.
deroff Removes nroff, troff, tbl, and eqn command constructs from files.
devinstall Installs software support for devices.
devnm Names a device.
df Reports information about space on file systems.
dfsck Checks and repairs two file systems simultaneously on different drives.
dhcpaction Provides a script that runs every time a client updates its lease.
dhcpcd Implements a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client. Serves addresses and configuration information to DHCP server.
dhcprd Forwards BOOTP and DHCP packets off the local network.
dhcpsconf Simplifies DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server configuration through a Graphical User Interface.
dhcpsd Implements a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. Serves addresses and configuration information to DHCP clients.
di Lists the contents of a directory.
diag Performs hardware problem determination.
diction Highlights unclear or wordy sentences.
diff Compares text files.
diff3 Compares three files.
diffmk Marks differences between files.
digest Converts the ASCII form of the /etc/qconfig file into the /etc/qconfig.bin file, a binary version of the queue configuration used by the qdaemon command.
dircmp Compares two directories and the contents of their common files.
dirname Writes to standard output all but the last part of a specified path.
disable Disables a printer queue devices.
diskusg Generates disk accounting data by user ID.
dist Redistributes a message to additional addresses.
docsearch Launches the AIX Documentation Search Service global search form.
dodisk Initiates disk-usage accounting.
domainname Displays or sets the name of the current NIS domain.
dosdel Deletes DOS Files.
dosdir Lists the directory for DOS files.
dosformat Formats a DOS diskette.
dosread Copies DOS files to AIX files.
doswrite Copies AIX files to DOS files.
dp Parses and reformats dates.
drm_admin Administers servers based on the Data Replication Manager (DRM), such as glbd, the replicated version of the global location broker (GLB).
dscreen Starts the Dynamic Screen utility.
dsmit Invokes the Distributed Management Interface Tool (DSMIT).
dsmit-addkey Installs the DSMIT principal key in the local keytab file.
dsmit-dec Decrements or resets /usr/share/DSMIT/security/dslock.ctr file.
dsmit-rmkey Removes the DSMIT principal key from the local keytab file.
dsmit-unlock Clears the locks on the DSMIT configuration file server.
dspcat Displays all or part of a message catalog.
dspmsg Displays a selected message from a message catalog.
dtappintegrate The Common Desktop Environment application integration tool.
dtscript Builds simple dialogs used in the X Window System environment.
du Summarizes disk usage.
dump Dumps selected parts of an object file.
dumpfs Dumps file system information.

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